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Linglong Tire successfully certified by the Responsible Supply Chain Initiative RSCI e.V.

Hannover | Zhaoyuan, 27 February 2024 –Beginning of January, Linglong Tire was successfully certified by the Responsible Supply Chain Initiative RSCI e.V. association. The standardized testing mechanism is used to evaluate the sustainability performance of companies in automotive supply chains, and working conditions are also transparently presented and analyzed.

The association was founded in 2021 by the Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) together with 14 other founding members, including Daimler AG, Volkswagen AG and BMW AG. In January 2023, Linglong Tire became the only tire manufacturer to join the alliance. The focus of the association's work is on checking and further developing the sustainability of companies in their supply chains by means of appropriate tests directly at the production site, i.e. in the current certification at the Linglong Tire main plant in Zhaoyuan, China, where original equipment tires intended for the European market are currently manufactured. Other factories of Shandong Linglong Tire Co. Ltd. relevant to original equipment will also be checked in the near future according to the standardized testing mechanism of RSCI e.V.

Michael Beverin, Director OE Sales & OE Quality at Linglong Germany GmbH: “We are very pleased about the successful certification of the Responsible Supply Chain Initiative RSCI! As a tire manufacturer, we have a great responsibility towards the environment and people, not only in China but worldwide. The certification that has now taken place shows that Linglong Tire attaches great importance to environmental and occupational safety as well as sustainability, an indispensable prerequisite for further growth in the original equipment business and for achieving our ambitious goals.”